We start getting to those tasks we’ve been attempting to master this week because the week begins with a First Quarter Moon, always good for putting our heads back onto our shoulders. I don’t know about all of you but my head has been looking for my shoulders for a few weeks now. Just found it. And this is with a little help from the annual conjunction between transiting Saturn and Mercury. Mercury is about thinking and problem solving. These last few weeks Mercury has been in Aquarius. It has been dancing with Saturn who is at the last degrees of Aquarius and finishing its last 2 ½ years though Aquarius. I find Saturn/Mercury conjunctions are very good for focusing on those things that are not that pleasant. This doesn’t mean that you cannot do it, it simply means that weeks with this conjunction pushes you forward to get it “DONE”. This is very important as Mercury moves into Pisces on Thursday March 2 where it remains for a few weeks.
There is good news and more challenging news regarding Mercury entering Pisces. The good news is that it is wonderful for conceptualizing and imagining ways of doing things, of creating pleasing presentations, automatic writing, dreaming, taking time off to get some cultural input. Frankly, for me, I am finally going fishing this week – something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and decided this is the week in which to do it! Lest I get off track here – a Piscean thing – Mercury in Pisces in its first two weeks will be running with the upcoming Saturn in Pisces (Saturn enters Pisces on March 7) continues the ‘serious tone’ pushing project completion over the course of the next weeks.
As Mercury continues its journey through March 19, when it enters fiery Aries, it will begin a lovely sextile between itself and transiting Pluto which is trying desperately to leave Capricorn. The official date for that is March 18 and we will talk more about that as we get to that week. The bottom line for this week is to pay attention, learn something that might be really hard but will give you added credentials or knowledge for a wonderful option that might show up late in March as we move further into spring. The weather around the globe is very odd right now – more cold than usual in many places – Saturn is an icy energy source and in Aquarius for these last years – colder or hotter air (extremes). As Saturn enters Pisces, water and its conservation and its challenges and gifts will be highlighted over the next few years. For now, do what you can to get whatever the ‘thing’ you’ve struggled with done so you can move on and be ready for options presenting themselves later in March.