2023 Forecast with Georgia Stathis for SFAS
The wheels are finally in motion as Mars begins its change of direction, going direct on Thursday January 12 at 08° Gemini 07’ after having been in retrograde motion since late October, 2022! This week may feel as if things are beginning to move at a much faster pace than you’ve experienced in these last few months. It struck me that I should look up the Sabian Symbol (from Marc Edmund Jones) for the direct degree of Mars at 08° Gemini. Here’s what Jones states, “An Industrial Strike: This is a symbol of the necessity that man act in his own interest whenever his general situation fails to provide him with the creative outlet he needs or proves inadequate for his relations with his fellows….it calls upon the human spirit for constructive reorganization!” If you heard my lecture for SFAS on December 17, this was one of the themes for 2023 that I explored. Strikes along with issues of employment being themes for 2023.
Is this how you feel? Are you restless in your job or industry? Isn’t this what we’ve been talking about for several months now since Mars decided to go retrograde in October? And just to add a little more insight into the above, let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for the degree at which Mars stationed retrograde in late October 2022 at 26° Gemini.
“Winter frost in the woods: This is a symbol of cosmic significance in any momentary cancellation of the more immediate interests and private concerns, and the emphasis is on the supremacy of the needs and powers of nature over the aspirations and conveniences of man. There is a call for re-orientation in the individual’s point of view, and for some further discovery of the self’s potential.”
Yes…this is what we’ve all been up to in these last few months. With Mars stationing direct this coming Thursday, let’s start making concrete plans on the re-orientation we’ve been hoping for during the last few months. Ask some trusted friends and colleagues to help you through this journey.