Over the course of the next few days, Mercury, the planet of communications, travel, commerce is beginning its retrograde period starting on December 29 at an interesting degree…24° Capricorn. It continues in its retrograde motion through the new year going direct on January 18, 2023. It is an intriguing degree because there is a ‘stop,’ ‘look’ and ‘listen’ moment we are having as Mercury, almost, but not quite, is very close to Pluto and will align with Pluto around the 10th to the 15th of February when Pluto finishes its first run in Capricorn and enters Aquarius (which is big in and of itself anyway)… So, what does this mean? Lots of research first, but more follows…
It means that the time for contemplating major changes—you know – the stuff you’ve been debating all year long starts now, this week, this moment. Major changes involve practical but often complex decisions on how to cut costs (very Capricorn) and/or to completely let things go that you’ve outgrown. Does one really need ten streaming services? Major changes include decisions regarding how you do your business, how you market yourself, and whether you even wish to continue doing what you are doing. Where you live, whom you live with, and whether you can live in the place you are living realistically? These are just some of the things weighing heavily on your mind.
Mercury retrogrades always offer opportunities to think, but this one, frankly, is particularly important. It means that something – something you’ve been holding onto too tightly –which causes constant duress – needs a re-think. This week’s retrograde aligns with the USA’s Pluto return (happens every 247 years), so I suspect, we will be beginning the process of hearing news, lots of news about secrets suddenly revealed, discoveries of things hidden, and hardline decisions so the world can move on, at last. This theme begins this week and continues throughout 2023. Sit down with those you love and have frank discussions about what needs doing and move forward from there. It might also be a promising idea to tell those you love where you are vulnerable and that you need some help. Rigid self-reliance when the world is falling apart needs support – no matter how tough you think you are. Happy New Year and it is going to be a life-changing year and holds all kinds of hope. It’s always good to do the painful things first, then experience the joy.