Last week, Chiron stationed retrograde opposite the USA Saturn at 14̊ Libra. As many of you know, I write these forecasts weeks or sometimes months in advance. This very important retrograde station affects US government policies, news, and the ‘life blood’ of our nation (USA) since the USA Sun is in middle degrees of Cancer and affected by this retrograde, the country’s people suffer. Chiron in hard aspect to any Sun sign in a chart (the life force) as well to its Saturn at the same time, creates environments that experience deep wounding. They keep coming as though they never. Solutions seem untenable and bleak. The pain of this cycle is often so very deep, we feel trapped in psychic quicksand. The more we scramble to exit, the worse it gets. This creates a collective depression where people are stuck, fearful and unable to do anything – they are in that psychic quicksand.
Once Chiron moves on, changes do happen, and they are often bold, pioneering, fresh, and new, and they take a long while to get there – because this is about a one-year cycle in the same area of any chart. Life often becomes so painful that stalemates break, and change begins. It happened during the Civil Rights Movement of th 1960s, it happened during the McCarthy hearings of the early 1950s, and it took a long time to get there. Joyce Mason, a specialist in Chiron affairs, mentioned years ago, “Chiron is like Pluto, but it leads you more gently.” This is because the nature of Chiron’s actions is less visceral and more intellectual. Group mind must change fixed perceptions and the mind is the last frontier of change.
As stated, Chiron’s current retrograde moment provides little relief until sometime in the spring of 2024! Currently it is in the same place in the sky where it was between April 1972 and April 1973. It has a 51-year return cycle. The wound affects everything – those who are in their 51st to 52nd years, it affects party lines, races, creeds, genders, government, and economies. In the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, which always wants its way, the collective is presented with the wound of thinking of oneself too much without the thought of others.
Aries is opposite the sign of Libra. Libra’s gift is that it can work with others reaching levels of compromise far more difficult for strong Mars or Aries energies. The wound of Chiron in Aries comes from too much self-interest without thought of others. USA Saturn is in Libra, government, and Saturn is fear. Libra is the sign of fair and equal justice. The Saturn in Libra lesson is to work with others even though the ‘fear’’ is losing one’s independence or individuality. The reality is that compromise can happen. It may seem impossible, but it is fixable because after the wound, after the suffering, Chiron then acts as the bridge between the old and the new, between more traditional and non-traditional ideas, philosophies, and technologies. This process is excruciatingly slow and takes time. Patience is the fruit this cycle bears.
Though this cycle affects everyone, it particularly affects individuals who have many planets in the middle of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. Where is this happening in your own life, your own industry, or your family? Is a compromise needed to bring more balance into relationships? Are others willing to compromise so everyone can move on? Again, this could take an entire year to ‘get’ what I am saying, but it starts this month. I have quoted Dave Grant in the past. He was a motivational speaker and always said, “When you have a choice between pleasure and pain, do the pain first, then pleasure is a true reward.”