Trines and sextiles are considered positive aspects and this week abounds with these. Take advantage of those moments of opportunity that you may not notice immediately. Sometimes positive opportunities are very subtle, and we miss them. Long term planning for relationships and pleasure are in the works, growth in both our private relations and our business relations are slow but steady. This is better and affords more time for a better plan.
The Full Moon on Wednesday, July 13 at 21˚ Capricorn may bring some surprises pushing things up your task list – these are the items you’ve been putting off or thinking about without producing solutions. Since Neptune participates in Wednesday’s shenanigans, make sure that any communications or promises are made clear since Neptune can cause confusion. Foggy thinking may also be an obstacle and sometimes foggy thinking is best worked out on paper – putting ideas on a task list. Over time the ideas you’ve penned may form more clearly so try writing down what is clear.
As Saturday approaches one of the few alignments of Mercury (thinking) with the Sun appear opposite the Full Moon this week. This could bring clarity around a financial issue that has been plaguing you since May. Added information brings some peace providing time for a more restful weekend. As we get to Sunday when Mercury and Neptune and the Sun are all in a lovely aspect to each other, there is a sense of ease. This is the perfect day to go to the beach, sit by the pool either at the community center or at home and just chill, while setting aside time for some wonderful and fun cultural entertainment. It is important you set aside some ‘me’ time today as the 90-day moments after an eclipse bring lots of new activities.