This is a lovely week where Venus, the goddess of desire and love and attraction is in a positive aspect with Uranus. This could bring in sudden attractions or potential personal relationships with whom you may work professionally as well. As this is happening, the Full Moon’s light is beginning to diminish and still in a hard aspect to Pluto so there may be a little resistance in your work environment to make changes that you are eager to begin. Patience is good in this situation. And, since Monday is the last day in which the Sun is in Aries, it is always better to wait until the Sun enters Taurus on Tuesday April 19 where things might calm down for just a little bit.
Mercury, the planet of communication is still in Taurus just having finished its alignment with Uranus on Sunday at about 14° Taurus – so there is still time to think about sending that card or making that phone call that keeps coming back to you telling you, you might want to think about contacting that special someone that you miss or are thinking about. Mercury moves into a challenging aspect with Saturn this coming Saturday, which does suggest that if you must finish important papers, complete an essay, re-think a contract, this is a good day in which to put on your focusing brain and do it.