This is the week that Jupiter and Neptune come together setting the tone for a brand-new twelve-year cycle in which they remain active. The last Jupiter Neptune alignment came in 2009 in late Aquarius after the ‘great economic meltdown’ of 2008. If we can get past all the difficulties of that time – the short sales, the drop in value of properties and equities of about 40%, this was the start of the information age in the most contemporary of terms. It was during this time that many technological advances took off: smaller and smaller phones with all the properties of computers, iPads, network communication forums that allowed each of us to communicate in diverse ways than we had ever done before. Out of this time came and Zoom. It was also when stocks dropped to $3 and $4 and there were fire sales of stocks. If anyone got into the market at that time and stayed, they did quite well.
Every time Jupiter and Neptune conjoin, they bring new visions and ideas into play regarding the signs in which we find them. The last time Jupiter and Neptune conjoined in the sign of Pisces (as they are on April 12) was before the Civil War in America which also suggests a rising of those who feel disenfranchised. I do not want to go there right now – though – and what I would rather do is look at how theater and the arts and even early Broadway like theaters began to become part of the popular culture. We may see increased craziness (since Neptune does rule the ecstatic experience as well as madness). We may see more variants on viruses on the earth and may have to learn to adapt to a different type of climate. BUT…what we may also see as this cycle begins is the start of new advances in film and the arts. We may see new advances in medical and mental health assistance. We may see new advances in prison reform and working on the issue of undocumented workers. Problems don’t get fixed unless you have so many problems that are affecting the greater good that you have to deal with them!
In the arts and in film, we may see less violent and more meaningful films and plays and books returning us to more of the human experience rather than a world in which only robots and AI live and where blockbuster films are all computerized. We may see ‘superheroes’ that have more humanity rather than not. We may see the disenfranchised of the world finding their voices in film and music. It is the arts, if not suppressed, that changes society.
Yes, we will see more AI (artificial intelligence) on platforms where one can become someone else with the use of an avatar that puts them into virtual realities where they can be whomever they are. This could be good, and it could be bad. Nothing is ever one way of the other. We may, however, see a return to old school things like photography where we use film and cameras in a new way or listen to music on more of a ‘vinyl’ environment incorporated with a visual/digital environment. CAD programs may become even more realistic where we can see more and more museums and offices and houses in an even more realistic way than we see them now — I do not know how that can happen, but the Hybrid technology is remarkably close.
The key thing for this new cycle is to look at your own chart and see where Jupiter/Neptune are happening offering opportunities for your imagination to run free and try new things. In general, and this is VERY general — for the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn this is occurring in the quieter parts of your charts – the solar cadent houses – where a lot of change is happening behind the scenes – more of an exploration of your daily habits, the psychological blocks that keep you from moving forward and a need to further your education with something very different than something you’ve been doing. There is a strong desire to engage your right brain – the less logical and more creative side of the brain that works with the arts, music, and visionary work.
For the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius it is happening in your solar succedent houses which are associated with resources and how you can maintain or change resources by being involved in goals with your old community or new communities, with old and new friends, and re-examining spending which changes options for future possibilities. This thought change forces you to explore resources needed in which to do that as well as taking a chance on something you have dreamed about doing for a long time.
For the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and, of course, Pisces, this opens an entirely new chapter in your lives if you are willing to try new things and move out of your current comfort zones of what you ‘think’ works for you and what doesn’t. What you believe is what you see. If you think you are too old, this gets in the way. If you think you can’t get healthy, this gets in the way. Working on victim consciousness moves you forward exponentially. A more assertive approach is better than vacillating too long and letting opportunities pass you by. If something does not work, then do not beat yourself up, try it another way or try something completely different. I would say this is a very experimental cycle that offers a lot if you follow your intuition even if your logical side says it does not make sense.
None of this happens overnight but…it does slowly evolve over the course of the next few years. The times at which Jupiter and Neptune conjunct at 23° Pisces: Near San Francisco this alignment begins around 7:42 AM, in Washington D.C. it happens at 10:42 AM. In London, England, it occurs at 2:42 PM and in Beijing, China it occurs at 10:42 pm. I always suggest that if you can, take a moment during the time in which this is occurring and be with the moment. Meditate or stop what you are doing and stay peaceful for a moment. This helps invite the positive side of this conjunction into your sphere. At the same time this is happening Saturn and the Sun are in a lovely aspect to each other meaning that this next big cycle could bring things that have lasting esthetic gifts and lasting changes for the good if we just focus on the better ‘angels’ of this cycle.
The Full Moon on Saturday April 16 is at 27° Libra opposite the Sun at 27° Aries and in a hard aspect to Pluto. It is highly likely that something in your life needs to be changed or altered to be available for this new idea or thing that is coming in. What are you willing to release to have more time for your visions?