Valentine’s Day begins with a very close and cuddly conjunction between Mars and Venus both in Capricorn. This is the perfect combo for love and affection – although with them being in Capricorn – that love, and affection may be seen more in the office – in a collaboration that is well loved by the participants. Either way, we are two days away from the Full Moon at 28̊ Leo, which is also in the ‘somewhat chaotic’ zone for the current movements of Saturn squaring Uranus. Since this IS the 90-day period after the November 19 lunar eclipse at 27 Scorpio. The Moon at 27 Taurus conjoined Algol, a fixed star, associated with the stare of Medusa – who could freeze you by just looking at you. Since that was then, and this is now, this 90-day period after that time may bring some sort of long-needed confrontation requiring skillful non-response mechanisms! This is where those two planets Mars/Venus in Capricorn will come in handy – you get more done by not reacting, melting for a little bit and then going in softer and more open.
That change in behavior – a major one I might add – may be the catalyst in terms of how you respond in stressful situations involving all kinds of relationships. That is part of the realization or the ‘light’ or peripheral vision that we experience 90-days after eclipses. And this one is a big lesson – that is followed on Thursday February 17 with a lovely supportive aspect between Jupiter, a benefic and Uranus, a more Promethean type at this juncture, as you discover out of the box solutions to a long and difficult decision period. As the Sun enters Pisces on Friday February 18, the energies soften, even the air may be moist, and the rains may finally come – clearing out the electrostatic dust of these last few months.
Greek workshop this weekend online:
I will be presenting the topic of Solar Arcs to Vasia Konti’s school in Athens (online) at her school Astropaedia on Friday, February 18 at 11 am to 1 Pm Eastern Time. It will be a translation class. I speak English and their translator speaks Greek. I do speak Greek but not as well as those masters at her school in Athens. For those of you who tried to register for a class at Astropaedia last year, there is an all-English Solar Arc presentation (video) already available at our website at If you do speak Greek and wish to register, please contact the school at: or