Days after eclipses are often exhausting. We stir up a lot of emotional energy. If they can affect the oceans and the tides which are made up of water and we are 60+% of water – it makes sense. The week begins with Mercury (Communications) and Neptune (confusion and fog) because these two are in a hard aspect to each other. The days are getting shorter and taking that nap or power nap in late afternoon is a very good way to push through this time. These aspects are also quite lovely if you are rested because then your ability to socialize and really connect with others is markedly improved. A little rest goes a long way. The intense week is capped off with Venus crossing Pluto in direct motion on Saturday December 11 laying out a blueprint for social changes, social network changes, and the shifting of the ever-present values that are in full flux over the course of 2022.
This is the beginning of an intense cycle that wants to change but still is in the early stages of change. The Sun and Neptune are not working very well together by week’s end as well and the best thing to do with this is carve out some personal time and personal care for yourself which is like putting money in your psychological bank. Mars is finishing its run in Scorpio until Monday December 13 when it enters Sagittarius which is a lot less subdued and more active. On that same day Mars enters the sign it just loves – Sagittarius – where a lot gets done over the course of the next six weeks. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the focus and direction that it has to offer even if Venus is slowing down on December 19.