This week we move through the Last Quarter Moon for this month. This is the part of the month where we wrap up all the things that started at the New Moon of October 6 and as several planets were going direct. Energy may be low on Tuesday October 26 as Venus is also in closing or Last Quarter square to Neptune. Rest or getting away for a few hours helps you recharge for the larger energies on Thursday October 28 when Venus and Jupiter are in a beautiful aspect to each other. Ideas and dreams blossom in this positive energy field. I am particularly excited because this is the 6th birthday of the Alexandria iBase Project ( for which I am a chairperson.
October 28 has always been a significant date for me. My mother was born on this date, our original web designer Tami Kacevas is born on this date, a good friend of mine, Rene, is born on this date and one of our librarians, Anna G is born just a couple days before on the 26th. I think all these birthdays associated with this project happen on the project’s birthday – must be important, right? Happy birthday to all of you having their birthdays this week and to Alexandria iBase Project as we move into 2022 with a brand-new scanning project set to start in early spring!
Eclipses begin on November 19 in two new signs — Scorpio and Taurus. This new series continues for about 1.5 years. I am excited about these as they are in water and earth signs and complimenting Pluto as it finishes in the sign of Capricorn through 2022. Capricorn is an earth sign and with this new water element and the added element of Jupiter entering the water sign of Pisces in late December, I am hoping things flow more easily. Maybe in the West we will even get some rains – long overdue.
The new shift of eclipses could bring opportunity with more positive outcomes– if we are willing to think more flexibly and remove the fixed positions where the will has power over reason. Being too fixed in positions right now is probably not the best strategic choice as the Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius square off with each other on Saturday. Don’t let the end of the year ‘stuff’ overwhelm you as you move through this next month. Work with others to give you more help and if you don’t have help, then this is probably the time to look around for those special angels that can make the daily tasks easier. Breaking down the pieces of projects and delegating them to people who are more comfortable with those types of tasks eases the burden on everyone.
Mars enters Scorpio later Saturday. In the old days before the outer planets were discovered, Mars ruled Scorpio and in some ways it still does. It is an interesting combination as Mars is an action planet, it pushes and in Scorpio, which can be an icier water sign, the push comes over time, because it melts slowly. As Jim Shere used to say, “Think of Scorpio as an ice cube”. I always liked that image because Scorpio like all the other water signs is highly sensitive and emotional. They are also very contained and because they are fixed often require longer periods of time to think about what needs to change. They need time to melt and realize what they release. Therefore, breaking projects down into workable pieces and allowing others to share responsibilities is a good choice for these upcoming times. This intense energy continues through December 14 when Mars leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, but we will talk about that later this year. Mars in Scorpio can bring moments of intense conflict. Choose your battles and as Musashi said (remember Musashi and his 500-year-old Samurai manual?)… “Never draw your sword unless you plan to use it.” If you are angry, step away. Don’t react. Think about another way to brooch the subject. This works better than fiery retorts.
Coming next November 5 to 7: NCGR is having its annual Symposium. I am one of the speakers and it is an online conference. If you are interested, here is the information:
NCGR Virtual Symposium 2021:
Saturn vs. Uranus – Bridging Tradition with Innovation
November 5-7, 2021, ONLINE
Two full days of speakers and special events. Featuring new voices in astrology along with some of your favorite astrologers.
We have been following the Saturn square Uranus transit this year and witnessing its influence on our culture and lives. Where do we go from here? What will follow this transformational time? In all sectors, including astrology, we’re bridging tradition with innovation. We’re looking at ways to draw what’s useful from the past in creating systems for the future.
This special event explores these themes with two full days of talks and panel discussions.
Bridging the gap between tradition, innovation and vision
Saturday, Nov. 6, 3:10-4:25 pm Eastern, 12:10-1:25 pm Pacific
A discussion about the possibilities of what happens when a new cycle such as Jupiter/Neptune begins, and what happens when an old cycle begins to end like the last quarter square between Saturn and Uranus. Some historical as well as personal perspectives.