The big news this week is that after several weeks of Jupiter in Pisces, on Wednesday July 28, Jupiter retrogrades back to Aquarius to finish out its run in Aquarius through December 28, 2021. At that time, Jupiter re-enters Pisces (where it was briefly between May 13 and July 27, 2021) and stays in Pisces as the new year begins. Mars, the planet of motivation and action, is opposite Jupiter in Aquarius on Thursday July 29. This provides a more confident energy for exploring some of the technology that might accompany the ideas or projects that were developing over the course of these last few weeks. This is a great time to study something, perhaps something involving foreign travel, or, marketing, or exploring the possibility of finishing or starting a higher education degree. Wanderlust is part of these configurations and since it is summer, this is right on schedule.
Do you have to be more focused for something, more precise and more efficient? Mars enters Virgo at the end of the week pushing the details and the efficiency of the idea forward and getting assistance from those who are far more technically astute in these matters than we sometimes think we are. It is important to know our limits when making plans for change in either our homes or businesses. We cannot do everything. We all have our limits and need others – it is true that not everyone does it the way we would like it done, but if we spend a few moments teaching or mentoring or showing someone how to do things – and knowing that you may have to repeat it once or twice, then that help can be wonderful.