Mercury has been traveling over the eclipse degree of 19◦ Gemini (it was on June 10) over the course of these last few days. We return to some of the thoughts that plagued us during that time that we could not answer, and this transit may help open a clearer path to a problem or challenge that’s been blocked from your view. The official catch up is on July 8 at 24◦ Gemini and the days prior start to present a clearer direction. For those of you who know astrology, if you have any planets at 22◦ to 26◦ Gemini, this is significant. It could be that something you’ve been pondering since May, which caused nothing but confusion, disorganization, and an inability to put things in their proper order, suddenly clicks and you know how to solve the problem. Gemini energy is known for solving problems, and since Mercury was retrograde during the eclipses, some of the fog or confusion it elicited may be getting clearer this week. The fact that on Monday the Sun and Uranus, the cosmic messenger, and innovator are together igniting unusual ideas, out of the box thoughts and innovative solutions, makes this a great week.
I find once something comes together in my head, I must get right to it, to get it working. Since Venus and Saturn are opposite on Tuesday –pleasure may need to take a back seat to duty and responsibility, but you welcome it since you are seeing the trees after wandering around in a huge forest! Buckling down gets in done in the next few days with these aspects. If you need help, then think about the types of people who have special skills to whom you can reach out and ask for assistance … a good practice when Mercury (thinking) and Neptune (envisioning) are in aspect on Tuesday. As the week continues, there is magic in the air around the New Moon (new beginnings)at 18◦ Cancer on Friday July 9 right after Venus and Uranus aspect each other.
There are sparks of joy and even a few giggles in the coming week as life returns to some sort of normal offering opportunities for new connections with new people and different groups. If you wish to know more about ‘sparkle’ perhaps you’d like to sign up for the Online Class on Uranus: The Cosmic Messenger for Astro-Mexico. I love teaching (it is in English) to Monica’s group, and they are a delightful bunch who will welcome you.
Saturday, July 11, 2021, 11 am to 2 pm PST, ONLINE
Uranus: The Cosmic Messenger
Uranus has an 84-year return cycle. It has been in Taurus since 2018 and continues through 2026. Each time Uranus changes signs, new technologies and innovation occur. If someone has a prominent Uranus in their horoscope, there will be a shift in their life that can be quite magical. This class explores both individual horoscopes of some of these ‘magical’ people as well as some of the changes that occurred during each ingress. Presented in English.
Registration: please contact Monica Escalante: