We are moving into a Last Quarter Moon for this month. After all the events of June, it is a quiet week offering a bit of respite and getting away for a few days or just settling down before the activities of July begin. Monday’s Pisces Moon aligned with Jupiter needs breaks – small escapes – like reading a romantic novel or watching an emotionally compelling story. Mercury has gone direct, and you may be a bit overwhelmed with some of the things you see need doing. Since we are also heading into the 4th of July weekend, maybe take a few days off to honor this holiday since we have more freedom to get out this season than last. Please stay safe and still exercise wearing masks in places to protect yourself. If you haven’t been vaccinated and have waited to find out if there is FDA approval or not, since I write these forecasts weeks in advance, then perhaps by now, companies show a better track record for those who have been reticent about taking the vaccine. I am vaccinated and fully understand the pros and cons of whether to take them or not, but, since I do remember the 1950s growing up in our neighborhood in the South Side of Chicago, I remember Polio. The people in the neighborhood who had the Iron Lung were a shocking memory of that time even though we had a Polio vaccine when I was a kid. The iron lungs and the casualties of that disease did exist. I do know that if we are planning to travel to other countries, this will be a requirement more and more as the summer unfolds. At this writing, in spring, it is already looking as though we will all be required to have that ‘vaccine passport’. I just ask to be safe before you go back out into large venues of individuals. Thanks for at least considering this as we move into this special holiday weekend.
A little stress shows up this week as Thursday’s opposition between Mars and Saturn may find you frustrated as you prepare for the long holiday weekend. Mars and Saturn are the Angry Birds of the zodiac and sometime everyone just must step away from the madness, to get it together before proceeding. Be cautious with movements, too, for example, don’t stand on the edge of that chair to grab that cooler from the top shelf of th garage because it will ‘be quicker than getting the ladder’. This accident-prone action continues through Saturday as Mars stresses Uranus. This combo can be particularly volatile and unpredictable in its expression, and sometimes people can lose their temper. Many of us are not used to being with large groups of people since the pandemic and the joy of getting together may filled with anxiety which will pass as we learn re-entry into our social situations. Emotional firestorms can come out of nowhere and if that does happen, don’t react- just step back and let the energy pass. And, please watch drinking and driving or driving in an overly upset state.