June 10 brings us the annular Solar Eclipse at 19◦ Gemini. This last occurred in June 2002 just after the May 2002 Lunar eclipse that we had on May 26. Some of you may remember that time in your lives some 19 years ago and others may not. Eclipses are like a strand of memory that is in the psyche, embedded, and ready to emerge to further develop and develop the lessons learned some 19 years ago. The challenge of any eclipse as mentioned in earlier weeks is that there always seems to be some sort of fog or confusion or malaise around the time of the eclipse because of the shadow of the eclipse, which affects all of us in terms of how to do deal with life’s issues. For those born in the middle of the signs of Gemini or Sagittarius or Pisces or Virgo this eclipse may affect you as it is challenging your planets. You may be trying to make some sort of decision that has much to do with your creative vision for the future, what you wish to be in the next chapter of your life, or just deciding to move forward. Since Mercury still isn’t direct until June 22, my suggestion is to wait until at least after Mercury goes direct or catches up to its retrograde position on July 8. Still, this is an eclipse and a solar one at that. Solar eclipses have to do with our outer lives—what we show the world, and this is very different than what we are experiencing on the inside. Sometimes it takes eclipses about 90 days and sometimes even 180 days going forward to flesh out the change that is happening while you are in the shadows of the eclipses. Again, go back to 2002 or even 1983 if you are old enough to remember what might have occurred in Autumn 2002 or Autumn 1983 as well as Spring 2003 and Spring 1984. The past can offer memories that may be part of this cycle, with, of course, the knowledge that you are far more mature and wiser.
Right after the June 10 Solar Eclipse is the June 14, closing square between Saturn and Uranus, the second of three in 2021. The first was mid-February 2021 and the last will be December 24, 2021. Old worn-out business structures are breaking down as is much of the infrastructure, much of which was built in either the late 1970s or even in the late 1930s. If you have a physical issue that needs tending and for which you have been putting off the decision to take care of it, perhaps this is the summer in which to finally address that issue and begin to live a bigger life by affording yourself the opportunity to transcend the limitations of any physical disability that have correction options. I always suggest surgeries after Mercury goes direct and to NOT set a surgery for when the Moon is in the part of the body upon which surgery is being done.
Perhaps the ‘surgery’ is more of a symbolic surgery, where it could be time to perform surgery on your finances, re-examining where you are putting your savings, if any and how to work with finding others who have more experience than you do to help you achieve that vision. Perhaps the surgery has something to do with re-assessing your physical body’s dietary needs and starting a healthier eating practice as we move into warmer weather and more activity options present themselves with this warmer weather. If nothing else, it is time to slow down, look around and see what you’ve been ignoring because you just didn’t have the time until now. The year has been very fast. This will be easier over the course of these next weeks as we have a series of outer planets beginning to go retrograde, which brings a slower pace in which we can wrap up those things that need wrapping up.
Saturday, June 12, 2021, 12-3pm PST
The Importance of Synodic Cycles: What Phase is it anyway and how do I fit in?
Georgia Stathis will be presenting her ideas on the developing phases and the waning phases of various synodic cycles, with a focus on the ongoing Saturn square Uranus. She will also be looking at 2022’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces. The last time these two came together in Pisces was 1856. Over the course of the next three years, three different new cycles begin: Jupiter/Neptune in 2022; Jupiter/Chiron in 2023; Jupiter/Uranus in 2024 and Saturn/Neptune in 2026. Where are they now and what do they mean?
Registration: please contact Monica Escalante: gaelchilson@gmail.com