Happy Thanksgiving to our friends in Canada! There is a lovely aspect in which the week begins. It is an aspect that has been on and off this year, which is really helping all of us move through these more difficult days. Today Jupiter (good fortune and protection) are in a lovely sextile (60◦ aspect) to Neptune (which is about inspiration, creativity). Neptune requires all of us to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Therefore, the arts, meditation, dance, music, film, even sleep or naps are avenues that allow more access for inspired moments that bring forth ideas while opening the imagination. These two planets working together can help assuage some of the negativity hoisted upon us in 2020.
This is important to remember as we move into this week. On Tuesday October 13, the Sun in Libra is opposite retrograde Mars as Mercury finally turns retrograde later in Scorpio. It feels as though the wonderful insights of the last few days suddenly put a damper on our day. This feeling or thought continues through Thursday as the Sun squares (stresses) Pluto putting pressure on us to get things done.
Remember you can’t get it all done at one time. This is where that fear thing crops up. You realize you can’t get it all done at one time, so many just stop. This is not the strategy to finish something. If you make a list and get only two of those items done a day, crossing them off as they are completed, the next day offers opportunity to get the next items on the list done. You can’t bite off an entire meal at one time. Baby steps are a good choice right now.
Things improve on Friday and through the weekend as we enter the New Moon cycle of the month at 24◦ Libra. New Moons are when we ‘start again’ each month and when we ‘plant our ideas or seeds’ for the next 30 days. There are still stressful aspects to this New Moon, but if you can ‘view’ the stressful energies as motivation to push you through to getting something done, it works well and in you favor. In addition, since the New Moon is next to the fixed star Spica, which is one of the luckiest stars in the zodiac, there may be a friend, an acquaintance, a chance meeting where you find something to do that gives you purpose. Watch for it because it is right there.
With the onset of all the limitations of 2020, the world has changed markedly. The Breaking Down the Borders online conference is an established online astrological conferences and their next packed-full event is on the weekend of November 6, 7, 8. If you want to register for all or part of this wonderful conference, click here.
Georgia Stathis will be presenting one of her favorite predictive techniques, Solar Arcs, with examples on how to use them in different formats. Hope to see you all there. You can register for her lecture here.