One can choose to be conscious or not. It is a matter of personal choice. The opportunity for this presents itself again on June 29 as Jupiter (a broader world view) aligns again with Pluto for the second time this year. It first occurred on April 4 and happens again at the end of the year on November 12 for the last time. Jupiter and Pluto are retrograde right now and this is one of the more powerful times of the three conjunctions to make those large life changes.
Whenever Pluto is involved, it is a matter of choosing empowerment and choosing one’s life direction even though it requires a great deal of courage to look at what part you play in things not happening in your life. Again — choice is power, and power is choice.
With Mars just entering Aries on June 27, this is a particularly important time to calculate and step back from reactionary tendencies. Mars rules Aries and is familiar with fighting and war like responses. But… the more mature Mars is about thinking before one reacts or speaks. Plan B and Plan C are part of the more mature equation. This is important because Mars usually spends only six weeks in a sign, but Mars is going to go retrograde at 28º Aries on September 9, won’t go direct until November 13 and doesn’t leave Aries until early January 2021! That is a long time for Mars to be in its own sign of Aries. This is 6 months — not the normal 6 weeks!
It can either transform you in terms of creating a new identity that takes you to a new direction that is positive. It can also throw you into a self-destructive path if you are unwilling to face issues that need facing. Again — your choice. We have free will and make choices on how we choose to react to the things for which we really don’t have much control. Mars in Aries is known for its ability to rescue and be heroic. The question then becomes — does rescuing help or enable? Does it make one stronger or weaker? It all depends upon the situation and therefore Mars in Aries (along with all these planets in Gemini) requires smart questions that offer clear answers so that one knows what to do.
Asking those harder questions this week are a good start since on Tuesday the Sun and Mercury are lined up at 10º Cancer. If you don’t know the answer, then say “I will find out”. The key thing here is don’t give an answer nor react immediately. Put the phone down. Don’t answer that text or email. Just think about how you will answer and if you can help or not. If you practice this conscious control over the course of the next six months, you will have grown remarkably in terms of your own empowerment and consciousness and supported that growth in those you care for as well.
Saturn moves back to Capricorn (yes folks it hasn’t left yet) until December 17. It is a checkpoint and an anchor point that could turn out to be a gift rather than a curse as we finish out this year. Saturn loves Capricorn which is a practical energy rather than the more revolutionary energy of Aquarius where it has been since March 21.
The last of the three eclipses — a Lunar eclipse takes place on July 4 on the West Coast and July 5 on the East Coast and is at 14º Capricorn opposite the USA Sun Sign. Remember the comments a few weeks earlier about the years of 1974, 1993, and 2001? Since this eclipse hits the USA Sun sign, this represents the ‘light’ of the country — and how it looks at its shadow, which has been happening right on schedule over the course of these last few weeks. Eclipses bring shadows and the light starts showing up often about 90 days to 180 days later. In the case of this year, those dates are between early October 2020 and early January 2021.
If you have a lot of planets in the middle of Cancer or Capricorn or Libra or Aries, then there are big life changes for you by October of 2020 as well as January 2021. Since Jupiter is hanging out in this very complicated scenario, if you trust the risk you are taking (i.e. you’ve resourced the alternatives to your choice) then I would say go for it. Risk requires courage. It also requires the need to accept that there might be failure, but this goes back to last week’s ideas — if you check out the different options, the possibilities, measure the pros and cons, then risks work better. Again, this next six months is about awareness and maturity. Any past issues with impulse or anger have resolution opportunities and require a bit of work — again about six months’ worth of time.
And, finally, Happy Birthday America. Regardless of her challenges, these eclipses are offering opportunities for conscious awareness and change if not now then over the course of the next two and a half years as we approach our first Pluto return in February 2023 and aligns with the Declaration of Independence chart. And blessings to you my dear readers who are holding it together — you are amazing anchors.