This is the week between two eclipses. The next one is on June 21 at the Summer Solstice at 00◦ Cancer. But…this ‘in between’ week has two all-day Void of Course Moons. The first is on Monday June 8 where the Moon goes void of course at 11:06 am and won’t move into the next Moon sign of Aquarius until late Monday at 5:49 pm. The other void of course moon starts at 7:35 am on Wednesday June 10 and moves over to the Moon in Pisces the next morning 2:32 am (All Pacific times).
Void of Course Moons are a mixed bag. There is a belief that when the Moon is Void, that nothing ‘comes of it’. There are other schools of thought like from the Samurai master Musashi who wrote ‘The Book of Five Rings’ that in the ‘Void is where the magic happens’. Perhaps that is because what is intended is re-directed into a different direction, a new thought pattern, a new idea, or a better solution to a problem that one doesn’t see immediately. It may be because of the ‘void’ that that option presents itself and the new path begins.
There are, frankly, many problems that don’t seem to have any concrete answers right now. Rioting and unrest are in the streets and in our psyches. Mars, still in Pisces, is still stirring things up, Venus is still retrograde (indicating potential misunderstandings regarding spending, or relationships, or both). Last weekend’s eclipse was a Full Moon triggering these points, pushing the envelope of anxiety, heightening emotions and even triggering mini meltdowns. Several planets in mutable (moveable) signs can bring this on as there is no grounding to hold the confusion at bay.
As the week finishes, the Sun in Gemini and the planet Neptune (creative, but also foggy) are in a challenging distance from each other. This can bring on more confusion but also a feeling of being very tired, the need to withdraw, or to misconstrue what someone is trying to communicate to you. This is an aspect that lasts for just a couple of days on Thursday and Friday.
Alcohol and drug use can heighten during these times. Exercise helps disperse some of the energies even if it is a twenty-minute walk. And watching a good movie to distract the already exhausted brain can help too. Avoiding extreme violence in media helps reduce the anxiety and fear threshold and this is a personal choice and is only a suggestion. By Saturday, Mars, who likes to push the envelope when energies are not properly channeled can stir a few more things up as it opposes Neptune. Chi Gong, meditation, taking a bath, getting a massage also helps move anxious thoughts through the body and the brain.
You may feel like you are losing thoughts, items, numbers, figures, or appointments, this is part of this living in an alternate universe with the continuing energies of the Pandemic. But this is also because of all the above and because Mercury, the planet of communication, is starting to ‘look’ as though it is moving backwards, or retrograde. Again, planets NEVER move backwards, but look as though they are in relation to the Sun and the Earth, and always provide opportunities to re-think, or recharge, or regroup which is what retrogrades are about. They are not to be feared but used constructively. Mercury is retrograde starting on June 17. More on that next week.