Whenever Saturn exits the sign of Capricorn and enters the sign of Aquarius, which it did on March 21, a shift takes place. Since Aquarius is about public information, perhaps there will be more responsible public information or a more responsible ‘public’ that works in their communities to clarify the confusion of these last few months. Saturn returns briefly to Capricorn between July 1, 2020 and December 17, 2020, but in a different capacity. It is to clean up the remaining threads of unresolved issues of the last three years. Saturn entering Aquarius could provide a greater capacity to be far more objective about the continuing catastrophes in the health and financial and political fields. Aquarius is an air sign and can step out of the difficulties of the heaviness of Capricorn. It can be cool in its thoughtful discharge, but crystal clear as to what is really going on and what is not.
After the cleanup of those last months of Saturn in Capricorn, between early July and mid-December, Saturn returns to Aquarius on December 17, where it remains for 2.5 years.
A lot of people are riled up right now. There is a craziness in the air, an impatience, a confusion, anger, depression, and a universal “What the heck is going on?” Someone once told me there are two emotions – I am not sure if I agreed with this, but they said that the two emotions were: Love and Fear. Nothing else.
With Saturn leaving Capricorn, the possibility of a more objective culture, that works together more collectively is there if we can avoid the other extreme of Aquarius, which can be people who act like dictators – who want to tell the ‘group’ what to do but not be part of the ‘group’. This is the nature of many planets in Aquarius. The big message here for everyone over the course of the next few years is: There is a BIG MIDDLE. It is called compromise. Perhaps that is the next frontier – gosh I hope so!
There is a revolution in consciousness with Saturn in Aquarius, regarding self-responsibility or calling out those who are not self-responsible. And those decisions come from moving away from fear and moving towards a gentler emotion called love. The key thing is to take a hard look at whether your decision-making processes are operating from fear or from love. What is it you want, be clear about it and then ethically proceed to attaining the positive outcome that works and be ready to take on any responsibilities that involve this new adventure called self-empowerment, whose roots are self-responsibility.
Self-responsibility—is a turning point for a lot of us. I believe as a nation (USA) finishing its ‘teen years’, this is particularly important. We are a young nation that is now with all the hard transits to our nation charts making us move into young adulthood. When we each take responsibility for something, we need to take responsibility for – we stop laying it on other people. We do what needs to be done to change.
Blaming others doesn’t work in this ‘turning point’ scenario. What does work is saying what we want, being clear about what we have no control over, following the letter of ethical laws for ourselves as individuals. The rest – with this Saturn/Pluto conjunction still active and good luck Jupiter in Capricorn right there as well– gets rid of the rabble of irresponsibility and the accompanying blame issues for which we are all too familiar.
The key thing here is that at any ‘turning point’ – we must give something up to attain something better. It is never all one way or the other. We could even say that ‘turning points’ are the magic potion for change!!! It is the ability to see things with new eyes. Candidates in the recent Democratic primaries faced their own particular ‘turning points’ for the good of the party. This is just one example of what is possible if we keep our ‘dance space’ and others keep theirs. Sounds easy right? Nope, it is not.
Whenever Saturn changes signs, it signifies a different series of challenges always associated with Saturn, which requires a responsible review of what works in our lives and what behaviors or jobs or career or goals or anything that you know you have to change, that needs changing. Many of you will make a stark change during the next few months. For others, the ‘thought’ of making that change is closer to the surface than it was a few months ago, but you may not yet be ready. Believe me, you will be totally ready by mid November 2020. You truly will. And for all of those out there wondering what do we do next? Remember, every moment, every second, every day is a void that can be filled by one or two things – fear or love.
As many of you may know, I need to take a sabbatical from private practice right now and you can see a list of referrals here. This doesn’t mean that I am stepping away from this work. I am going through boxes and boxes of unfinished writings – trying to figure out if I want to do a workbook on financial or business astrology or something. If you have any ideas, please write to me at stathis.georgia@gmail.com to give me some suggestions of what you’d like to see. My referral list is a group of wonderfully qualified people. Thank you as I move through my own private ‘transition’ currently. I will be writing a newsletter soon as well, so please make sure you sign up to get on the list.