There was a New Moon (new starts) on Sunday February at 4º Pisces, and on Monday, the Pisces Sun and Mars in Capricorn came together beautifully, motivating everyone with a gift of energy. Mardi Gras is Tuesday, and Ash Wednesday is Wednesday. On these days, Mercury and the Sun come together at 7º Pisces. Sun/Mercury days can bring an instant insight, or, idea, or phone call, or text, or article that sparks something inside of us giving us information we were looking for.
Contracts that are still in discussion can use some of the new insights. Certain conditions included in those contracts may have some challenges on Thursday and Friday as Venus/Pluto/Saturn are in a challenging aspect to each other. Power struggles never work. Never. They just break down trust between people more and more until nothing can be recuperated. Telling the truth and answering in truth is clean and saves a lot of time and time is a big issue for many rights now.
In order to resolve power struggles, all parties must consciously give up something allowing everyone to come to an agreement where everyone gets something and, of course, everyone must give something up. As the weekend opens, however, the struggle lessens allowing for new options and insights because there is now room for agreement. By the way, Saturday is February 29, our leap year day, and Sadie Hawkins Day. Who are you going to ask to the dance?