12:49:20 There. This is a forecast from Georgia Stathis. That's who I am. 12:49:24 For the week of January 13th. As I mentioned earlier this year, I'm trying a lot of different formats for my weekly forecast. 12:49:33 Someone who I've known for a long time last week mentioned that They appreciated the audio tremendously, but they needed to have captions. 12:49:41 So this week, I'm trying the video with captions, hoping this works. 12:49:46 Before I talk a little bit about this continuing Mars-Pluto opposition that's got us railing from all sides. 12:49:56 Obviously, we've seen the horrible, horrible fires happening in Southern California, and my heart goes out to my friends down there. 12:50:03 And the people that are going through this tremendous Mars opposing pluto devastating event. 12:50:10 You know, when you look around you and see all the devastating things that are happening in the world, you want to say, my gosh, when is it going to stop? 12:50:18 But I thought what I might do this week is share with you a kind of it's a mini transformational experience I had this week And it shows how you can sometimes turn things around. Obviously, when you're dealing with huge crises like we're having in Southern California, Ukraine, all over the world. 12:50:38 You can't do everything about it, but you can pay attention to the little things in your personal life. So I'll start with that. 12:50:45 It's a story. And, you know, I'm down in my Florida home for the winter It's very, very cold here, much more than I thought it might be. 12:50:55 And I've had a wonderful little place. It's a little tiny place up here close to the beach in St. Petersburg. 12:51:01 Which I love. But because I'm not here six months out of the year, I have a very large family of wasps Very Mars-Pluto living in my fixture that's on the porch that I can sit out on and look out over the old trees where the parrots fly. 12:51:19 And they were in and out and then they tried to get in through the screen. And I finally thought to myself, I've got to do something. 12:51:26 So on the day that Mars was exactly opposing Pluto. I decided because it was also very cold here, one morning we woke up, it was 32 degrees. 12:51:36 That I'm going to spray them And I know some people are going to hate hearing this, but to kill them. 12:51:43 And that's very Mars-Pluto. Let's get rid of the problem that could be a bigger problem for the rest of the building. So I sprayed them. 12:51:51 And I left it for the next morning. The next morning I woke up and i 70 at least dead wasps sitting all over my patio. So Mars, Pluto. And I don't mean to be disrespectful but i thought I felt like a Buddhist who'd gone off the rails because I really felt sorry for the wasps. 12:52:12 And then in typical Mars opposing Pluto fashion, what did I do? I swept them up. 12:52:17 And I have a very clean porch and I flush them Pluto down the sewer system. 12:52:24 So that happened in the morning. But then what happened was sometime during the day i got word that there was going to be a vision quest, a vision board quest class at the Salvador Dali Museum, which I love is very close to my home here in St. Petersburg. 12:52:43 And they were offering it that evening. And I always do vision quest boards and I really suggest that if you haven't done this, at least at the beginning of every year, especially with this Mars-Pluto opposition. 12:52:54 It might be a great idea to just sit very quietly with yourself for a few hours, cut out news clippings. 12:52:59 Papers, words, you can write on it get a board At the top of the board right under God's light and for the good of all And so we did that at the Dolly Museum and it was a really interesting evening because 12:53:12 I didn't know this was part of the program, but there was a lot of new people that I've never met. I'm fairly new here. 12:53:19 But before we started, they gave us this incredible historical preview. 12:53:26 Of collage in the early 20th century when the surrealists many of them were starting to work with Adali and many of his contemporaries. And then as part of the program. 12:53:35 We were given the opportunity to go upstairs to a photographic, that's Neptune, and Neptune's pretty strong right now. 12:53:43 Photographic collage exhibit to get some thoughts. And this exhibit was about collages photographically that had been happening throughout the 20th century. 12:53:53 And then came downstairs to do our vision board. And, you know, it was quite interesting because it was quite interesting Everybody had very different takes on it. 12:54:02 And it really helped transform my angst about the wasps and then my angst about some other things like there's a lot of equipment that's broken that I'm trying to fix right now. 12:54:12 It helps soothe and move the energy through me, along with a good hearty walk during the day. 12:54:19 And so what I would say, there's always choices. Pluto is about making conscious choices. There's choices. You can go this road Or you can go that road. But with Mars still retrograde all the way through the end of February, it's so easy to get sidetracked and get angry at somebody. 12:54:35 Or hostile, that's not the way to deal with this Mars opposition, Pluto. The way to deal with it is to Look at the things that really need to be done. 12:54:45 That need to be finished, that need to be researched. This is a perfect week All through this week and the following week to do the research on something you've been thinking about for which you have no answers and folks 12:55:00 You might not have the answers while Mars is retrograde through February 23rd. Then Venus goes retrograde from the 1st of March through about April. You may not have the answers, but everybody is percolating something right now. 12:55:28 The point being that this is a great positive way to use the Mars-Pluto opposition this week. 12:55:34 And I really love it because on Wednesday the Wednesday the 8th going into this next three weeks mercury has Mercury is about communications and thinking. 12:55:46 Mercury and Capricorn is very serious. It's serious thinking. But it's also about, it's ruled by Saturn, which is what's the most important what's the most imperative thing for me to do right now as I'm going through this shall i or shall i not cycle? 12:56:03 And I would say to you, looking at the sky the way it's looking right now, that these are the best things you can do. 12:56:09 You know, we're americans not all of us looking at this are Americans, but a lot of us are americans. 12:56:15 And Americans always want to get things done yesterday. And you can't do that when Mars is retrograde, especially when it's opposing Pluto, because things come up unexpected disasters like in Southern California that need to be dealt with. 12:56:30 The key thing is the preparation. If intuitively, and there'll be a lot of access to your intuition this year if you just listen. 12:56:39 If intuitively you're getting a thought that I need to maybe check my car or you're intuitively getting a thought that you might need to check this is a weird thing, but I do this because I have that Saturn in Virgo. How much am I really spending on streaming services? Maybe if I cut some of my streaming services out, I could do something over here. 12:56:58 This is a great time with Mercury and Capricorn and Mars opposing Pluto to go through I know nobody likes to do this, but to go through the budget Look at what you spent last year. Look at what you're spending this year, because as much as they say they're going to bring down prices. 12:57:15 My view with Neptune transiting the North Node, a lot of the promises that have been made are not going to happen. 12:57:22 There's going to be a lot of ideas coming out of nowhere in the next few months. 12:57:27 But a lot of what was promised in the election probably not going to happen, especially with Mars going retrograde. Mars is about taking a path forward. Mars retrograde is getting sidetracked. 12:57:38 And, you know, sometimes that's good. Sometimes it's good to be sidetracked so that a better solution can be found. 12:57:45 So with that said, another thought, one more thought about this week is that on Thursday. 12:57:51 The 16th, the moon moves into Virgo, which really is another earth sign. 12:57:57 It's going to be working really well with the transiting Mercury in Capricorn and earth sign. And as the days continue through the weekend of the 17th and 18th. 12:58:06 You're going to hit that mercury And that moon trining the transiting uranus Is there something that you've been working on that's a deal that needs to be solidified. 12:58:19 Or contractually written down so that everybody understands what one needs to understand that weekend of the 17th and 18th might be a great time to ask for the order. 12:58:30 And get what you ask for. So with that said, I hope you like this weekly forecast. Now, this week we're doing Zoom with captions. 12:58:38 Who knows what we're going to do on the 20th? I will say that I'm going off to Italy on the 22nd of January through February 4th, and I may do some written forecasts while I'm away. 12:58:49 But I'll return. And thank you so much for your support throughout the years.